Thursday, March 7, 2013

Pray4 3/6/13 VALERIE HARPER ("Rhoda","Mary Tyler Moore" show et al) DIAGNOSED w/ TERMINAL BRAIN CANCER, [thoughts & prayers for Valerie...God be with her, Jesus please give her strength; & for her loved ones]  *read more at "Known and loved for her frank and funny role as upstairs neighbor Rhoda Morgenstern on The Mary Tyler Moore Show, Valerie Harper has revealed she is facing terminal brain cancer. The actress, 73, tells People mag (on newsstands Friday) that she got the diagnosis on Jan. 15. According to People, her doctors say she may only have three months left to live..."
"For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities -- His eternal power and divine nature -- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. "Car depuis la création de qualités invisibles de Dieu au monde - sa puissance éternelle et sa nature divine - ont été clairement visibles, étant entendu de ce qui a été fait, afin que les hommes sont sans excuse." -Romains 1:20", Тъй като създаването на невидими качества на Божия свят - вечната Му сила и божественост - са вижда ясно, разбираемо от това, което е направено, така че човеците остават без извинение."-Римляни 1:20"
Posted by VanderKOK
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