Thursday, July 18, 2013

SHERA DANESE(?) 7/18/13 "PREMIERE" OF RISKY BUSINESS,starring TOM CRUISE, REBECCA de MORNAY, & JOE PANTOLIANO ...during the summer they show

This may be Shera Danese who played "Vicki" (I didn't catch all the names so I'm making educated guesses) SHERA DANESE(?) 7/18/13  "PREMIERE" OF RISKY BUSINESS,starring TOM CRUISE, REBECCA de MORNAY, & JOE PANTOLIANO ...during the summer they show various historic movies here at what they call "Oscars Outdoors" here in hollywood, sponsored by the Academy Awards, & tonight it's "Risky Business" from why do I call it the "premiere"? Because before the movie began, they had various members of the cast & crew (not including Tom Cruise) up front & the producer or director said he considers this the "premiere" because #1 they never actually had a premiere at the time the movie was released in 1983, & #2 they are showing the version with a different ending..the ending the producers wanted to include in the original version but the studio didn't. & the studio won. Read more about the 25th anniversary release & the different ending at

In 1983 I was in 10th grade & so this was a "formative" film for that age movies have such a long-lasting memorable effect & the actors all seem so much more "larger than life." Tom Cruise was just starting out as an actor. I saw him at the Jerry Bruckheimer hollywood star ceremony a few weeks ago, & one thing that struck me was how short he is...much shorter than I imagined.

IT was fun to see some of the cast & crew before they showed the movie,...unfortunately I had to leave early, but still a good experience.

Steve Tisch