11/14/13 M. WAHLBERG RANTS re FALSE COMPARISONS BETWEEN ACTING & REALITY @ "LONE SURVIVOR" MOVIE PREMIERE,(Wahlber is one intense,complicated,mixed-bag of a person...on the one hand he did some serious damage to some immigrant when he was growing up on the east coast,..on the other hand he professes to be catholic,,,and then he rants & raves with all sorts of profanities...not to say I'm perfect..far from it...but he's just a difficult fellow to figure out..I agree with him that acting is no comparison to the real deal in the military...but is he 4Real or just a show man? search:lone survivor,luttrell,berg,lyanga, ,*read more at
"...Mark Wahlberg has never been one to shy
away from the truth....
When Wahlberg took the stage with Berg
and Petty Officer Luttrell after the credits
rolled for a brief Q&A, he looked distraught
and distracted. After Luttrell explained how
he and Berg teamed up for the film, the
moderator, Festival Director Jacqueline
Lyanga, turned to Wahlberg to ask about
his rigorous training and the rough shoot.
Wahlberg looked visibly pained by the
question and started on what would
become an almost five-minute monol..."
"God exalted Jesus to the highest place and gave Him the name that is
above every other name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in
heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that
Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."Philippians 2:9-11,posted by vk *DefendRealMarriage("TraditionalMarriage")
*ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!) (pula)
*Read the Bible Daily & Connect w/ Believers
*Pray 4Chapels in the Public Schools (p4cps)
*Stop Violence v Women! (svw)
--Say NO to ALL Abusive Relationships (snaar)
*Be a Suicide Stopper! (bass)Give Hope!
*Fight4Kindness, (f4k)
--Commit Kindness Actions (CoKA)
*LoveOneAnother (aLOhA)
*Please Support Christian Missionaries!
*I baptize you in the name of the Father-Son-&-Holy Spirit ! (Re Matt 28:18-20) (I'veBeeNFiSHing)
*Father-Son-&-Holy-Spirit,Thy Will be Done (FiSHeS,TWilaBD)
"...Mark Wahlberg has never been one to shy
away from the truth....
When Wahlberg took the stage with Berg
and Petty Officer Luttrell after the credits
rolled for a brief Q&A, he looked distraught
and distracted. After Luttrell explained how
he and Berg teamed up for the film, the
moderator, Festival Director Jacqueline
Lyanga, turned to Wahlberg to ask about
his rigorous training and the rough shoot.
Wahlberg looked visibly pained by the
question and started on what would
become an almost five-minute monol..."
"God exalted Jesus to the highest place and gave Him the name that is
above every other name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in
heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that
Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."Philippians 2:9-11,posted by vk *DefendRealMarriage("TraditionalMarriage")
*ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!) (pula)
*Read the Bible Daily & Connect w/ Believers
*Pray 4Chapels in the Public Schools (p4cps)
*Stop Violence v Women! (svw)
--Say NO to ALL Abusive Relationships (snaar)
*Be a Suicide Stopper! (bass)Give Hope!
*Fight4Kindness, (f4k)
--Commit Kindness Actions (CoKA)
*LoveOneAnother (aLOhA)
*Please Support Christian Missionaries!
*I baptize you in the name of the Father-Son-&-Holy Spirit ! (Re Matt 28:18-20) (I'veBeeNFiSHing)
*Father-Son-&-Holy-Spirit,Thy Will be Done (FiSHeS,TWilaBD)