Thursday, December 5, 2013

12/4/13 WHERE the STARS WORSHIP (a few of them,anyways)

12/4/13 WHERE the STARS WORSHIP (a few of them,anyways) (I will add to the list: I saw Manny Pacquiao & family @ Christ the King catholic church,& also the late Farrah Fawcett at St Paul Apostle catholic church shortly before he died) search:, denzel washington,maria shriver,mark wahlberg,farrah fawcett,manny pacquiao;*READ FULL STORY AT
"I, even I, am the Lord, and apart from Me there is no savior. I have revealed and saved and proclaimed -- I, and not some foreign God among you. You are my witnesses," declares the Lord, "that I am God." Isaiah 43:11-12,posted by vk *DefendRealMarriage("TraditionalMarriage")
*ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!) (pula)
*Read the Bible Daily & Connect w/ Believers
*Pray 4Chapels in the Public Schools (p4cps)
*Stop Violence v Women! (svw)
--Say NO to ALL Abusive Relationships (snaar)
*Be a Suicide Stopper! (bass)Give Hope!
*Fight4Kindness, (f4k)
--Commit Kindness Actions (CoKA)
*LoveOneAnother (aLOhA)
*Please Support Christian Missionaries!
*I baptize you in the name of the Father-Son-&-Holy Spirit ! (Re Matt 28:18-20) (I'veBeeNFiSHing)
*Father-Son-&-Holy-Spirit,Thy Will be Done (FiSHeS,TWilaBD)