Saturday, September 9, 2017

Fwd: The DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MY CALL TO REPENTANCE VERSUS KIRK'S "Kirk Cameron says Harvey, Irma are calls to repent"

I DROVE AROUND THIS SUMMER on a "mission trip " thru ALMOST ALL the HARVEY & IRMA hurricane areas one month prior to their arrival, obviously unbeknownst to me that they were on the way...I drove all the way to KEY WEST ...going south on the eastward side of Florida thru all the various little beach towns and big Miami (arriving at the time of the all-star game) , and then came back up northward on the westside thru the Everglades and all the other b beach towns , including Fort Myers, Sarasota, et al. ALL THE WHILE I WAS DOING EVANGELISM, including a big "REPENT" written on my back window which was obviously viewed by 100's of 1000's of drivers; and YET MY CALL to repentance is a "general call" , not for any specific sins or wrongdoings by individuals or collective society. We are ALL called to repent & confess . I don't speak from a "holier-than-thou" perspective. Even those of us who are Christians are still sinning, in most cases, either sins of omission or commission;... and so we ALL need the reminder to repent, while those who have not yet accepted Christ need to do so even more so to begin a new life as a Christian. However, many modern day Christian leaders spent too much time pointing the finger of "repentance" at secular society rather than fellow Christians; while other Christian leaders spend too much time pointing the finger solely at fellow Christians, and never at secular society. Both are erroneous. There needs to be a balance of the two. We ALL NEED TO REPENT, Christians and non-Christians alike.
