Wednesday, August 11, 2021

MAGNET MANIA "Fast and Furious 9: The real science behind that magnet scene - " REALISTIC ?

"Perhaps the most outlandish scene for Ryan is the incredible sequence involving a magnet so strong that it manages to drag a car through a building – all the way from another street. Leaving aside the fact that building a magnet this powerful is practically impossible ("it would involve some insane numbers!"), there's also the issue of it functioning like some sort of tractor beam: targeting one specific car from distance.

"A feature that is always quietly ignored in these movie-magnet situations is that the magnet is not directional in any meaningful sense," says Ryan.
"If it can grab a car from across the street, every loose iron object at a similar or shorter distance will be pulled in too. The people in the film, they've got belt buckles, they all have guns, so those would all stick to the magnet immediately. "There's so much steel floating around that would just come in. It would just be a mountain of steel." & everything attached to the steel